This guide will help you set up a standalone Snowflake proxy using Docker to help censored users connect to the Tor network. We have a Docker image to ease the setup of a Snowflake proxy.
1. Install Docker
The instructions in this step are for Debian-based systems, but you can find Docker instructions for other supported platforms.
Open a terminal and run these commands:
$ sudo apt install curl
$ curl -fsSL -o
$ sudo sh
2. Download the docker compose file
Download the docker-compose.yml configuration file. Run the command to download it:
$ wget
Then, deploy the proxy by running:
docker compose up -d snowflake-proxy
This command starts the Snowflake proxy in detached mode. You should now see the output:
Creating snowflake-proxy ... done
and your proxy is up and running!
3. Checking your Docker logs
$ docker logs -f snowflake-proxy
4. Automatic updates with Watchtower
The docker-compose.yml file contains a watchtower
container, configured to automatically check for updates to the snowflake docker container every day, download them and run them.
If you would like to use it, run the following command:
$ docker compose up -d
Now your snowflake proxy will stay updated automatically!
Otherwise, you will need to periodically pull the latest container and restart it manually.